Friday, April 22, 2016

Breaking The Addiction - Step 4 Dinner

Dinner this week I kept simple but yummy.  I had two different meals on the menu:

Grilled Pork Chops with Sweet Potato Medallions & Roasted Veggies

Grilled Steak with Brown Rice, & Sauteed Onions & Mushrooms

I started the rice cooking first since it takes a long time to cook.  I used the same roasted veggies that I had made to go with my lunches for this week, roasted Cauliflower, Broccoli, Red/Green Peppers, Zucchini, & Yellow Squash.

While I was grilling the steaks and the pork chops on the grill, I had onions and mushrooms sauteing on the stove.  It was a very busy kitchen on Sunday but it's been so worth it this week to not even have to think about food!
Grilled pork chops seasoned with some Mrs. Dash before grilling
At dinner this week I made something for my husband and kids, and then heated up my premade, portion controlled meals.  Next week I'm going to kick it up a notch by seeing if I can cook my entire families meals for thw week on Sunday!

I've been getting a ton of use out of my Cuisinart 5 in 1 Griddler.  It's way easier to clean than the foreman grill I had years ago!!


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